Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I wish...

I wished you'll say 'I love you' before I did... but the minutes have become so heavy that time has started to stand still... the glimpse of what we might be has flashed my mind often...

 I tremble with this unheard melody ... may be I should wait a little more... to hear how my name would sound each time when your lips touch each other to call my name.

Strange is this gaze... that captures time like a photograph...posing us in a lifetime- freezing smile, when I see my own reflection in your there is no one else in this world but you and me.

Can ... can this be the forever that i have always dreamed of... can this be the eternity that I  had always wished for... can this time... we might be we instead of you and me???

Image :

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Funny dumb love

I never expect you to love me but then... who permits someone to love or be loved? But the fact is I always knew love happens unexpectedly... but I always thought it would never happen with me!


It's so funny, I have started to feel things for you... 

Your absence causes turmoil inside.

Your presence makes me feel overjoyed...

Even if I see you at the bus stand from far away...

You become my smile...

I know you cant love me because, I am the 5.30 a.m. train and you are the 11 a.m. flight. Am the bird that starts chirping when it's still time for the sun to rise and you are the sun that follows. 


Am never tired thinking of us together ... May be you never noticed how much dumb I become, when you are around.... May be I am the only one to feel my helplessness to ignore you.

(C) Ravinder Kaur 


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Filled up Emptiness...

Empty bottles still make me remember you... and so do tea cups...and the name "silly" gets automatically related to you...

It's like you have drowned me in your emptiness while taking away my contagious laughter...

It's like you have inhaled all my breaths and tormented all my heartbeats...

It's like the sudden appearance of dark clouds around my world when everywhere else, there is sunshine...

No wonder, you have emptied all your noise into my vault of silence...deafening me night and day... captivating me in your spell... am bound to this world, whose creator is you...whose life is you and whose destructor is also you.

Friday, December 15, 2017

When you are not here...

Sometimes, I have no words to say...

Sometimes it's nothing I can conceal.....

Only a smile that I can't hide....

And it speaks what's on my mind....

Do I not know what you hide?

You care but still disguise....

Those teddies and Cards in the drawers...

Give me company when you're not close.....

That little rustle near my ears....

And I recall that air you blow always.....

Was it you behind me now?

I turn around and you are nowhere....

The whisper of I Love You

And I remain intact in your gaze.....

Your arms around, I miss....

Oh! Come back to me as soon as possible....

Thursday, December 14, 2017

For the last time...

For the last time...

What if I die today...

Will you hold me, till I depart...

My soul, will you caress me,
My dead self without the beating heart...

Opening are the arms of death...

Hugging me close to it's dark cloak...

Pulling out my spirit...

With its hands so cold...

Just when I am about to leave...

Come and hold me close...

I just can't go without ...

Letting you know...

Unless I see you ...

I won't let go...

The castle of this soul...

I will try to hold...

Oh see the stars are gathering...

Around the heavenly gates...

For me, they wait...

Fluttering in the windy haze...

What if you are not there...

When death approaches me...

What if it doesn't listen to my screams...

What if I try to run into your arms...

Would you hold me please...

The final breath I am holding in...

Waiting for your one gaze...

I just want to see your face...

Lean on, come near my dear...

Just one last wish, I want you to hear...

Give your love...

So I can rest...

And never shall I awake...

In my own drowning fear...

For the last time...

I need you .... Here.

(posted on Facebook -2nd Feb.2016)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Warm memories...

On cozy winter mornings... I still wear your sweater... the one that I had stolen from your apartment, the last time I was there with you. It still has your fragrance... I feel the fabric like your touch on me...irresistible. But I know....It doesn't belong to me now. And I have to part with it you!

Little by little, memories have filled up my mind and... heart has become heavy. The drops of tears have kissed you more on this shirt than on your lips... and I pull it off just to find my arms still holding them at ends...Just leave it man!!! Just let go!!!

But they won't... until I pull out my hands that you have held do hard...from your memories my mind... from your love my heart... even though it breaks while I retrieve; into pieces so many that to put them back into me... it would take a lifetime. But I'll manage... I'll be fine...yepp!!!

Friday, December 8, 2017

उड़ती धुन्द...

धुंद के उड़ते कागज़ों पे तुम्हारी यादों के कतरे दिखते  हैं... मैं उन्हें पकड़ने की नाकाम कोशिशें करते- करते थक चुकी हूँ.... अब उलझे हुए सवालों की ठंडी हवाएं जिस्म पे चुभती हुई गुज़रती हैं... और मैं तुम्हारे प्यार की धूप  को तरसती हूँ...

कितनी अजीब बात है ना ...तुम्हारा प्यार उस कड़कड़ाती ठण्ड की धूप की तरह है, जिसमें कुछ देर बैठते ही मीठी नींद आने लगती है... और आँखें बोझिल हो के सपनों में खो जाती हैं... मगर, ज़्यादा देर उसी धूप में रहने से जिस्म जलने लगता है... और वापस आने पे, इस घर की ठंडी दीवारें क़ैदख़ाने सी लगने लगती हैं...

ये धुंद उड़ती हुई तुम्हारी यादें तो मुझ तक ले आती हैं... पर क्या मेरी यादें भी तुम तक आती होंगी? शायद नहीं!

अगर ऐसा होता, तो शायद इस धुंद की ठण्ड मुझे यूँ ग़म का चेहरा न दिखाती बल्कि, मैं मुस्कुरा उठती कि मैं तुम्हे आज भी याद हूँ !

इमेज :

Life is a withering winter

 When people ask me... do I still remember you? I go in a trance, my lips hold a smile and my eyes are visible with tears about to fall. I r...