Showing posts with label queen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label queen. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Locks of Winter

Locks of winter fall on ground

She has a hairfall all around.

The bits of ice

Quietly disguised

Fall on ground

Fall...fall...all around.

The hair has turned grey...

With white mist mixed clay...

The cold waves carrying around...

Her white hair falling all around.

Locks of winter 

Shining in moonlight

She has let open her hair...

To fall down back...on ground.

She flaunts...



Throughout the night.

She wears a gown of fog...

With slippers of glass that hold...

Her feet dancing on the ground...

Her ashes of white all around...

When light is low

And no birds show

Her heartbeats reverberate.

In the quiet spaces

Where darkness creeps

And shadows sleep.

Before the day begins,

She rises in air

Leaving frozen breaths as dew

At dawn over the leaves .

The sunlight dim

Fears to face

The gaze of the mighty chill

The winter as a Queen

Has a hairfall it seems

But the more they fall,

The more she grows

Gracious winter 

Has lovely white hair.

(C) Ravinder Kaur 



Monday, April 30, 2018

To be a Queen...

I was brought up as a princess... and you know what that means?

It means, that I had all of my wishes come true... or to say ... all were made true by my dad.

I was handed over to a king... because a queen is said to belong to a king and not to anyone less.

So... I became a Queen!

A queen, infamous of required action, because my king was the ruler...and I, mere a spectator. But the reigns soon fell into my hands, when the king lost his life... and I had to become the king, inspite of being the rumoured- inefficient queen.

I bore no child so the kingdom was nevertheless my own family... they were my children and I their mother and this is what I assumed and failed miserably at.

Lost in the cascade of battles, I was torn like a piece of cloth and sold like meat. The buyer was...ofcourse a king and, I a hopeless slave.

I was held captive...not even given the status of a royal in prison but... a slave to whom the king could keep... as a war prisoner.

Life was never a burden before... but now it seemed each night called upon me innumerable times...the merciless beast ate me, each hour until sunrise.

My shivering accompanied by the moans were not that of pleasure...But the pain endured by the piercing reality, that Queens are never Queens beyond their territory; and the only territory they have doesn't even include their own body, but the soul that is held captive... until it decides to leave the world...


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A Queen....

All through the time...

I was a Queen...

Never had to lead as You...

Now time has casted a horrible spell...

I rise to hold the sword as You....

In your absence I am the King....

To rule to fight, to protect...

My kingdom and my Will...

(C) Ravinder Kaur

image source:

Life is a withering winter

 When people ask me... do I still remember you? I go in a trance, my lips hold a smile and my eyes are visible with tears about to fall. I r...