Showing posts with label howl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label howl. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2015

A hustling wind....

Am just a hustling wind

Whistling all the way.....unseen

Waving away....a little gust near ears...

Making my presence felt

And at some point .....
Dissolving in absolute nothing.

Sometimes a smoke I am....

And sometimes pushing raindrops,

Sometimes with the fog I emerge

And settle down as a drop of dew...

With dawn, I wake up as a breeze....

Cool and full of energy .....

At nights.....I howl my greatest fears

And sleep in the trembling cage.....

Sometimes I rise with the dawn

At noons I collide with the bright

At dusk I melt with the purple and orange syrups

At nights... I hide in the shadows away from the light.....

Singing my unsung songs to who can hear all......

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Whisper of the Silence.....

The winds blew with a heavy heart.....

Like running away with rolling tears....

At last the sun was waving a kiss...

Him, the night was going to miss.....

Did anyone see what the wind kept to herself?

Or ignore its broken self?

A faith, a hope, shattered today....

The wound it caused never happened in a day...

The howling wind made its voice heard....

In the den, it entered with a heart burnt...

Why should she talk in whispers?

In the grave of forbidden silences?

Nobody consoled her broken heart.....

She melted in her own arms.....

Away with its silent mourns,

It spread it wings on the weary charms....

The dusk settled and it started its cries....

The howl grew louder in wintery nights....

The trees hang down  their faces in shame.....

When her elbow rustles with leaves in pain.....

The whispers went unnoticed with times.....

Sometimes loud, fiery with lightening clouds.....

Her anger grew higher and sobbing decreased.....

When at last she punished the culprit in sleep.....

No one knows when she had her revenge.....

Why then she still whispers intense???

Is it the sadness, she can no longer hold?

Or is it the love, she had but never told?

I begin to sympathize with her whispers in cold.....

Whenever she whispers, I try to console.....

The silent nights move ahead in times....

Still at nights, she whispers her cries....

Still those whispers........

In those silent nights......

Life is a withering winter

 When people ask me... do I still remember you? I go in a trance, my lips hold a smile and my eyes are visible with tears about to fall. I r...