Saturday, November 18, 2017




"Stay away from me... you don't know how much I would love to kill you...", his gaze became intense while calling out to me. The fire of his soul clearly was ready to burn up anything and anyone.

"Why do you think that you can harm me... when all I ever want is to be close.... to you!", I took my chance at luring him into my well crafted words.

" Because the demons inside me... they won't let you touch me... they won't let you come closer...", another of his false belief made a way out of his mouth.

"Listen to me please... set them free....", I looked straight into his eyes.

"What? Do you have any idea, what you are saying! You are trying to initiate a tsunami which will sink everything." His exasperated look became stern with anger.

"Do you know who your demons are? They are your fears, your insecurity and your hurt soul. Give them their space, give them what they yearn for." I put my hands on his.


He seemed a little shocked but didn't let my hands garb his for another moment. "I have chained them, I wont let them free or they'll take over my mind."

"The demons demand freedom! That's why they are messing up with your mind.You need to let them breathe free... let them go. Set them free for that's when they'll honor you, more than ever. It's not necessary to chain them to control them. Confront them...face to face! Tell them what you want... listen to what they have to say...nothing more." He remained hypnotised to my words.

"Hmmn... Only this?" He asked me in bewilderment.

" Yes!Only this... you need to address them... they also are a part of the fuel that powers you. The only thing is to love them; they resemble to the spoilt child who wants attention. Who craves to be loved....who craves to be understood. That is what it needs to be...from you! Unchain them...release them....and take care of them." I finished speaking my mind.


And With this, his long held tears started dripping...

After sometime, he fell asleep...his face looked so peaceful in my lap...I caressed his hair; smiling to myself that one more soul had learned to tame is belief 'of unloving the demons inside him' today.  


Sometimes it is not the demons but us who needs to be know that there are no demons inside but our own light behind a darkness called ignorance.

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Slaughter House

Upon the darkened mountain

Rested a little house

Each passer by called it

The slaughter house.

No one lived there

By the nights.

Only spirits untamed

Walking in and out.

By day the sun soaked

The blood pools 

Leaving nothing behind

To doubt.

Nobody knew

who killed whom.

Where does the corpse hide

Only the staunch smell of flesh...

 Flows away...everywhere.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Drapes of Love

 Draping around my waist,

 Your hands straighten up,

                                                              The pleats of my saree

                                                         Around you move in my gaze,

                                                     Fingers play like on strings of a guitar,

                                                      Leaving me slowly in bewilderment...

                                                               Your favourite colour,

                                                                 You did never tell,

                                                  But you eye for that special one always.

                                                         Finally you touch my shoulder,

                                                            Leaving the end at its place.

                                                           It sways away in the breeze,

                                                                 Falling off in grace.

                                                           You eye for another chance,

                                                              To touch the ends again.

                                                     To place it again over my shoulder,

                                                               Holding it around me.

                                                                 Awestruck...I am

                                                                   In your gaze.

                                                                 Draped in Love

                                                       Touched by the meeting gaze.




Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Does SOUL have a Gender?

Does soul have a

It is the body
that takes over...

In each birth

An envelope of
visual difference

Eyes see

Skin feels

But what is same?

The deep seas

Holding nothing...

To something...

To everything

Beyond sense of

If this envelope

How will you see

Have you thought ever...

The beautiful or

It doesn’t matter

The usual 

And the

Is all same




To the abyss,

Where darkness
and light

Melt in the

To sink, to

To become free

Of what holds

In place,



Does soul have a

To love you as a

Or to love you as
a man?

But to love, is
it necessary?

For me to be
opposite of YOU?

To complete the
half that’s not You,

Or to be like You

To repel the love

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Second Chance...

Image result for google images for a couple in embrace

I never thought that time will fly like this and I would not be able to cherish the moments that I deserve. My little girl is now no more little but has grown into a lady....intelligent, smart and beautiful. But with time, Diana has become so quiet... and I wondered why. Sometimes, you think that your children would tell you all that happen to them...but they don't because they need live their own life.

Falling in love is like a fashion nowadays....and with college going kids, it is sometimes a matter of status.The truth is that this duration destroys much of their scope for studies and a good career.

And falling out of love is equally destroys a healthy mentality and self confidence. and my dear little girl ... she didn't say but ... her eyes said all......her sorrow.

I couldn't get angry on her as I know it would worsen her condition ....she needs a shoulder to just cry out and feel light.And my biggest failure is that I didn't let her understand this hard rule of life that one must go on....

"Love is a be felt but not to be possessed because possession makes it vulnerable.Feelings are free...they dwell in hearts and that is why they are beautiful. We might not understand that attractions do not merely mean anything but in course of time, we go through a pain which is another emotion... a feeling. But the truth is that we are so much occupied by the sadness that we cage this pain in our hearts. And we totally change the meaning of Love.

Leave the right to possess the person you love.... and you shall always be happy to be in love. You might never forget the person because with him/her you had a wonderful time...which cannot be snatched away . It's a moment of peace...a never ending moment of happiness, which brings radiance on your face. The glow of which is so true, that never can anyone make you happy like that."

And then she suddenly turned towards me to ask," Mom... do you love Dad in the same way?"

The minute of silence was like ages for me and my lips struggled to say anything.

 A voice behind me intruded before I could start," Sometimes... broken hearts need a lot of time to heal my dear! And when they do...they are stronger than ever to be broken down because we pick up each shattered them carefully and fix them with pure love.... and give them time and care to heal. Broken pieces may have cracks and stains but they hold stronger....scars are the proof of our struggle but not our failure. Second chances are very difficult but people get stronger . They know the pain endured in the first time. So, second time, the heart is all prepared.

SO.... buckle up!!!This is not the end.....He rejected you....move on...don't stay where you are...but as your mom says- Love is a feeling, not to possess a person but the feeling of being in love. And that is how it should be! "

Her dad said the best words ever to boost her she wiped her cheek and hugged him....a jitty feeling hovered over me and I was caught in his gaze, his muffled voice touched my ears,"You can never forget your first love...the first kiss and the the first drops of rain of the season.."

My breath struggled to get free but my eyes glistened with the petrichor of the first love lost in the crowds of voice finally stripped of its loudness spoke in a husky tone," I regret why it wasn't you?"

" It was always first and last...and I don't regret I wasn't your first because I waited for you... and somehow I was destined to be yours." His words and his warm embrace made me realise that second chance in love is a beautiful thing....the sweetness of love is never is our hearts that do not open and accept it but... I have found peace in the love that I have got and I hope Diana too understands this and....accepts life and love as they are!

(C) Ravinder Kaur



Tuesday, June 27, 2017

To my dead Friend

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I am really disturbed with your absence dear...I think am feeling your pain...piercing deep into my heart...your words still echo in the silent corridor...crawling sluggishly...but still not reaching out of the door of my heart...I feel you are still alive but more your smile caresses my smile...the lump in my throat is struggling to call your name...eyes following the crowd ....taking you over their burn you ...until no flesh remains on your bones... the ashes they would collect ... to immerse in waters faraway...

your pyres ...burn my heart....the flames rise to burn me...but the irony is that I cant show anyone my soul bears all the scars...I am whipped... strangled...suffocated...but still am a shameless a haunted mansion...and you pierce my soul every night...with your giggles and those soaked eyes hiding your pain..when the last time you said...I am ok!

(C) Ravinder Kaur



Torn Apart...

Image result for image for depleted nature

Apart .... a part...of me! Torn ...distorted ! Dismantled...destroyed....Me!

Apart.... a part ...of me! Subdued...refused!
Apart... a part...of me! Seldom!
Do I think...of me!
I give...never ask...only let me free!
I am your life...your home...your're part of Me!



Life is a withering winter

 When people ask me... do I still remember you? I go in a trance, my lips hold a smile and my eyes are visible with tears about to fall. I r...